The Watch City Steampunk Festival will be held May 12th, 2018! See our website at https://www.watchcityfestival.com/ for complete details.

This event is sponsored by the Downtown Waltham Partnership.
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Chameleon's Dish Theatre

Mrs. Hawking, the new steampunk play series by Boston-area writer Phoebe Roberts, takes a bold new approach to the classic genre of the Victorian mystery caper. Begin with a Sherlock Holmes of sorts, a deductive genius following the threads of wrongdoing as concealed by the careful manners of a straitlaced culture. Blend into this the psychological complexity of a brooding, Batman-esque avenger, driven by old wounds and a fierce indignation over society’s injustice. And to complete the image, give it a twist– make her a woman, her endeavors cloaked by a mask of harmless respectability, when in reality she is a defiant, Steampunk-style shattering of the delicate Victorian mold. Join Mary as she enters the world of Mrs. Victoria Hawking, and see for yourself what a compelling combination this makes!